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Deal ends Aug 12.
✔UNIQUE DESIGN - FM Transmitter, sleek appearance, and made of premium materials, safe to use and also feel comfortable;2 Pcs Enter Cose: BLEISL5X Save 15%;
✔BROAD COMPATIBILITY - Work with iPad (max speed), iPhone (max speed), iPod, Galaxy, Blackberry, MP3 Players, Digital Cameras, PDAs. (LIMITED for Pandora);
✔INLINE CONTROL - Built-in soft light, convenient to control, easy-to-read display and easy-to-use button controls. Listen to your favorite music on your car stereo;
✔MULTIFUNCTION DEVICE - Play audio devices and smartphones through your car stereo system with 3.5 mm jack , recharge your devices while listening to music via USB port;
✔AMAZING PERFORMACE - FM Radio, it offers you more stable signals, better anti-interference performance for clear sound quality with 12 Months warranty.