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Deal ends Aug 17.
SUPER DURABLE: titanium material, anti-corrosion, high temprature resistance, high stability, lifetime use unless you lost it!
HEALTHY & HIGH LIFE QUALITY: reusable toothpick, non-toxic, anti-allergy, antibacterial, smooth polished, not too sharp end, more suitable to teeth, and much more durable than bamboo/wood toothpicks.
STRONG OUTDOOR EDC TOOL: bold curve design with mini O-ring, anti-slip, better hand feeling. Can be used as self defense/survival tool, also a mini punch tool to make mark on wood in the wild.
LIGHT WEIGHT & EASILY-CARRIED: portable pocket style, about 18g in total, holder is 9.2cm long, waterproof sealed, with mini key ring, can also hang it on keychain or bag or anywhere you like.
A considerable and unique gift for whom you care about, a must have for travel lovers.