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POWERFULLY EFFECTIVE CLEANER: Eco Orange cleans the greasiest grime and most stubborn of stains. Our proprietary formula includes orange oil (D-Limonene), alkaline builders and biodegradable surfactants.
SAFE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND PETS: No unpleasant fumes, chemical off-gassing or harmful residue. Eco Orange is an all-natural, all-purpose, safe and effective cleaner. NO dyes, phosphates, butyl, toxins, acids, caustics, bleach, ammonia, solvents, VOCs, etc. Never tested on animals.
ONE CLEANER FOR THE WHOLE HOUSE: You don't need all those other cleaners; Eco Orange does the job of them all. Use it on any water-safe surface in your house or business. Common uses: Carpet stains, glass, BBQ grills, oven, tile, linoleum, grout, countertops, etc. Just follow the directions for proper dilution.
SAVES YOU MONEY: Because Eco Orange is super-concentrated, when you buy our 32 oz. (1 quart) bottle, it will make up to 16 32 oz. spray bottles or up to 4 gallons when properly diluted with water. That could last a year. We also save you money by not charging you for water (which is in most cleaners), and the associated shipping expenses. You get pure cleaner in one purchase. That just makes sense economically.
GUARANTEED SATISFACTION: Eco Orange is a different kind of company in that we take pride in providing the best customer experience and support. If for any reason you're not happy with our cleaner, we will refund your money no questions asked. We're here for you ... even if it's for a shoulder to lean on.