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Deal ends Aug 26.
Bright & Affordable Replacement: Replaces standard halogen 50 watt light bulb. Provides approximately 350lum of light, illuminating the place you want. Standard MR16 shape with GU10 base. Can be easily fitted instead of ordinary GU10 halogen bulbs.
Soft White Light Bulb: Soft White bulb with color temperature rating of 2700 K. Not dimmable.
Energy Saving: 50-watt halogen lamp rated at 3000 hours of life. Lifespan: 18.3 years. Operating cost per year: $1.03. Lifetime savings: $678.00.
Application: Bulbs can be used in most positions, well suited for general purpose lighting applications. Ideal for household use in wall lamps, ceiling lamps, and cabinet fixtures.
Package content: 6 x Minger LED Light Bulb; 90 Days 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and Our Friendly Service - 24 hours email customer service response.