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Deal ends Aug 20.
✔ Practicability: Fits iPhone 6 PLUS/iPhone 6/iPhone 6S/iPhone 6S PLUS, Samsung Galaxy and other cell phones less than or equal to 5.5 inch.
✔ Premium Material: Water resistance pouches keep your belongings stay in dry anytime. 3M reflective strips keep your safety by increasing visibility in dark so that you are seen much further away when running, hiking, cycling or doing other outdoor activities.
✔ Stylish Look: The belt is adjustable and made of high tech elastic material. Expandable to fit a diverse range of waist sizes from 25-65 inches.
✔ Super Light: Environmentally-friendly design that is comfortable, extremely light-weight. Great choice for people running, hiking and other outdoor sports.
✔ Warranty: All HongToo properties are covered by 12-month replacement. Customer service would response within 24 hours through Emails for any of your questions or concerns.