Ends in 04h 05m 58s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . This tent is awesome. It went up very easy, we did have a little problem taking it back down. It is very roomy. We wanted a simple but good starter tent and this fits the bill well. Very good quality, I particularly like the WeatherTec system that seems very solid and should keep us dry in... Leaks on all sides when it rains in the cold... Great tent! But it is almost impossible to get back in the bag. I personally just wrap it with bungie cords and call it a day. Still worth it! Great tent , love it. I wish the engineers that design this stuff would also field test it, because if they did, they would have made the storage bag a simple 1 inch longer. We (hubby and I) use this tent when we go 'car camping' to a traditional type campground. This is NOT by any stretch of the imagination a "backpacking tent". I love my 4 -Person Instant Tent. After a long day on the trail Hiking or kayaking the last thing I want to do is fight a tent and this was the perfect solution! *E*X*C*E*L*L*E*N*T* PRODUCT Great product . Goes up in seconds This Coleman Instant Tent is so easy to assemble and disassemble. I can set it up in minutes. Taking it down and rolling it up tightly enough to fit in the storage bag takes a...
Deal ends Mar 28.
150D/150D Polyester/taped seams
Made in USA and Imported
Pre-attached poles for quicker, simpler setup – just extend and secure. Instant setup in about 60 seconds
WeatherTec system – patented welded floors and inverted seams help keep water out
Integrated vented rainfly for extra airflow without extra assembly