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Smart Motion Sensor:HKYH LED solar lights will automatically turns on at night when motion is detected. Activates bright light when inside the 6-8 meters activation zone.In this distance,HKYH solar lights is super brighten.If you keep in this distance,it will last for 45 seconds and turn into energy conservation modes.
Solar Panels:HKYH Led night light is made up by 8 high-efficiency mono-crystalline panels that can efficiently transforms solar energy into electrical energy by assimilating sunlight. Only 4.5 hours,it'll fully charged and work for more than 8-12 hours.
Energy saving and help you save money:No batteries, no cables, No electricity cost. Recharged by solar panel under sunlight, and no battery replacement.
Height of Solar Fence Light: with 60 times motion in one night. and full light 150LM when motion,and 15Lm without motion which means in energy saving modes.
Weathproof and Powerful LED solar outdoor light:waterproof and heatproof,Made by high glisten rate of anti reflector cover,it'll make full utility of solar power,tightly-sealed loop in order to be more wheatherproof, antifog and anti-mosquito.