• Amazon offers hölm Grill Mat & Pan Liner - Set of 2 - Heavy Duty Non stick BBQ Grilling Mats 16 x 13 Inc for $15.95 $12.70.
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  • The perfect thickness and heat resistant to temperatures Up to 500°F. Won't burn or shrink, like some other low quality BBQ grill mats. Our mats leaving you with the GRILL MARKS you love and less burned food
  • Works with any kind of barbecue grill - Weber, Charbroil, Big Green Egg, smoker, charcoal, propane, gas, or electric. Better than any grill pan or basket, our mat can be cut to any size or shape to fit any need. Also doubles as a baking mat!
  • 100% nonstick surface for healthier food says, Rachael Ray and Jamie Oliver! Prepare grilled salmon, eggs, cheese, sauces, pizzas and marinades, without any food sticking to the barbeque.
  • 100% PFOA-Free materials and premium PTFE-Fiberglass coating. With proper care, they can last for years to come. In fact we even offer and lifetime money back guarantee. No questions asked.
  • Dishwasher Safe and easy to clean – No more scraping the "gunk" off your grill. Stop Cleaning!! Enjoy the BBQ and spend more time with your friends and family! Without a doubt one of the best barbecue accessories of 2016.

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