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Deal ends Aug 15.
waterproof , unique appearance with bottom sucker, a good stereo allows you to enjoy the wonderful music
When you're singing in the shower, did you ever wish you had a backing track? What about the ability to take that important business call while getting ready for the office? You really need the best in sound and voice quality, and the ultimate in convenience.
Now with the Bluetooth shower speakerphone, you can. This shower speaker is durable, waterproof, and includes all the features you could want, right on the speaker. It will pair with your Bluetooth-enabled devices to deliver sound and voice with unparalleled quality
Never again worry about getting out of the shower to change songs or adjust the volume, and when the phone rings, take calls right from the shower with call answering and a built-in Bluetooth microphone.
The suction-cup-secured speaker gives you the luxury to sing along in the shower to your favorite band or relax in the bathtub while listening to your favorite songs, all without the worry of missing that important phone call, and with amazing sound and voice quality.