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Ergonomic design - Gives you more comfort and control and ensures a relaxing position for your hand.
Adjustable DPI - 4 Adjustable DPI Levels. You can shift among 800/1200/2000/3200 DPI with DPI button. Control the mouse's speed and sensitivity to give you a better experience for your gaming and office operation.
Cool LED lighting - Each time you press the DPI Button, the LED color will be changed by red-purple-yellow-white, and different color correspond to different DPI. After switching the DPI setting, the standard color rotation (White, Yellow, Purple, Red, Light, Blue, Green, Blue) will start again after a few seconds.
Compatibility - Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Mac OSX and Linux.
Plug and play - Very easy to use and you don't need to install any software.