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Deal ends Aug 22.
"OFFICIAL" ADOPTION PAPERS INCLUDED: Each Baboochi® comes with "Official" Adoption papers. Instructions on how to get your Adoption Papers are included on the box and in the back of the hard cover Children's Book that is included with every toy.
CHILDRENS BOOK INCLUDED. Each plush doll comes with a hard cover children's storybook, telling the story of Baboochi that you can read to your child (as a bedtime story, before a nap or just during the day). If your child knows how to read, it's very easy so they can also read it themselves. We have many more books coming too, called The Adventures Of Baboochi.
WHAT IS A BABOOCHI? The purpose of Baboochi is to help parents teach their children life basics, while making learning FUN. Such things as cleaning up their room or after themselves, putting their toys away, tying their shoes, making their bed, having good manners, saying please and thank you, loving and respecting their parents, family, friends and other children (anti-bullying), just to name but a few.
THE STORY OF BABOOCHI: Once upon a time, there was a planet called Babooch. This is where the Baboochies lived and they were very happy. Baboochi's are very loving, kind and peaceful. They love to laugh, and play and learn new things. One day the Baboochi's came to Earth. The Baboochi's love to learn and have fun, just like the children on Earth do. Baboochi's need to be adopted into loving homes. So please adopt a Baboochi today, and help them love and learn, with you and your children.
WONDERFUL GIFT ITEM: Baboochi makes a great gift for any child for any occasion. Looking for a Birthday gift? Christmas or Hanukkah gift? Or a Baby Shower gift? Children love them and they can take Baboochi anywhere. In addition to being a fun, cute, soft and cuddly toy that children can play with, it is educational too. Perfect for cuddling, the luxurious and soft huggable body makes a great snuggle buddy. The doll can be played with inside or out.