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Ultra small compact size with metal construction, water resistant and shock resistant
OTG usb flash drive with micro-USB and USB 2.0 connector dual function, you can even play audio and video files directly from this 2-in-1 USB Flash drive without any hiccups
No software installation required, OTG pendrive can be used to transfer files to and from computer to your smartphone. Just play and play
High speed transfer performance, OTG usb pen drive use A-class chip, immediately transfer files, photos, videos, music and more
Partial popular compatible devices: SAMSUNG Galaxy Note, Note 2, Note 3, Note 4, Tab 3, Tab 4, Nexus 10, S2, S3, S4, S5, Mega, Edge -- LG Nexus 5, G3, G2, Optimus G Pro -- Motorola Nexus 6, Moto X, Moto G, Moto Mini -- HTC One, M7, M8, Google Nexus 9 -- Asus Transformer T100, Memo Pad, Nexus -- HP Stream 7, Stream 8