• Amazon offers Qianse® "I Love You Mom" Engraved Script Trinity Ring Pendant Necklace Made with SWAROVSKI Crystal for $29.99 $20.99.
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  • ♥Perfect Mother's Day Gifts ♥ Engraved Scripts of "Mom I Love You" & "Always be with You" . This layered pendant is designed with three cascading rings that bring out a graceful stereoscopy. Decorated with a clear sparkle crystal. This polished piece is a perfect choice for Moms. ♥Come with a nice gift box♥
  • Materials: Made of 925 Sterling Silver with the highest levels of certification standards & Premium Austrian Crystals.
  • Specifications: 1.Chain Length:17.32 inches +1.9 inches. Pendant Height:0.59 inches. Pendant Width: 0.59 inches. | 2.Weight:0.19 ounches.
  • QIANSE Designing Philosophy: 1. Be brave to pursue the beautiful fairy tale in your heart because it is the privilege of being a woman! 2. Jewelry has no value, but the jewels which can make women shining are priceless! 3. Wearing ordinary jewelry, people remember that jewelry. Wearing elegant jewelry, people remember the woman who wears that jewelry.
  • Perfect After-Sales Service: QIANSE JEWELRY DIRECT is committed to provide the best jewelry and the best services to our customers, your feedback is our motivations to improve. We are looking forward to your 5 star review. ♥ Add it to your Wish List to keep an eye on the latest QIANSE offers and promotions! ♥

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