Ends in 05h 05m 00s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $9.90 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Very good One of thee cubes broke off from my 2 year old playing with it. She's not very strong so I've got to chalk it up to poor quality. Very smooth movement, love how the yellow is more neon and distinguishable in lower light situations. Perfect It has my son working and thinking as it should, he just loves it, his new favorite thing to do. (Try to) Bought this for my 10 year-old but my 13-year old swipes it to solve. She likes it better that the 3x3 cube. Much fun with this cuby. :) No problems, product was exactly as advertised. I just can't put this one down. Excellent cube not only for those learning to solve the 2X2 cube but also those looking to improve their speed.
Deal ends Mar 29.
PUT HOURS OF FUN IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND: At just a hair under two inches a side, this 2x2 cube goes where you go. Feeling stressed? Whip it out on the train and distract your brain with a problem you can actually solve. Kids need something to do on that long ride? Look no further than this popular brain teaser speed cube.
START SIMPLE WITH THIS TWO-LAYER CUBE: Do you find the typical Cube a bit mind-boggling with its three layers of cubes? Then try this 2x2 cube as a first step to mastering the Cube and the even crazier cubes that follow. It even comes with one corner locked to prevent annoying inner core misalignments, so the cube is never in a state where it can't be solved. Still stumped? Try our free online solution guide.
TWIST AND TURN SMOOTH AS SILK: There's nothing worse than a 2x2 magic cube that won't turn the way you want. This cube is noted for its extremely smooth operation and lasting durability. The stickers won't peel off, and you'll get hours upon hours of trouble-free play.
EASE YOUR MIND WITH OUR GUARANTEE: We take customer satisfaction seriously, even on products as affordable as this. If the cube isn't what you had in mind or you're not satisfied with its operation, a full refund or replacement is just a few clicks away.
HIP HOP HOORAY! EASTER’S ON ITS WAY! Fill your Easter basket with goodies and toys that your kids would love. Make some bunny feel special and save a little extra. Buy 2 aGreatLife 2x2 Cubes, Save 10% Enter code TEN10DAY at checkout. If you’re not 100% satisfied, we’ll be happy to give you a refund or send you a replacement. Click Add to cart now and have a hippity hoppity Easter with your loved ones!