• Amazon offers GreenForest Cotton Blend Linen Convenient Folding Storage Bin, Blue Strips White Polka Dot(18.2x12.4x10.8 inches) ?? ¡­ for $17.55 $13.97.
  • Ends in 03h 26m 24s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $17.55 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Cute bag to organize all my sheets and towels. I use this for my children's toys and laundry. Works great and looks great for both. Feels very cheap This doesn't hold its shape. Not great. The look of the basket is lovely, however it is on the small side so depending on what you are using it for it may work better for you. Just check the measurements. Great bin! I'm using it as a vase cover for my plants and couldn't be happier with how cool it looks Too cheaply made, pass on this item. Perfect for the "new baby" basket I created for my neighbor. Filled it with lots of fabulous books, toys and dolls. The sides are not stiff so unless the bin is full, it flops onto its side. Sadly, not what I expected. I wish I had purchased more of these! They are so handy to have around! Great quality - I'm very satisfied!
  • Deal ends Mar 28.

  • ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIAL: Cotton blend linen fabric outer and waterproof PE film lining which can keep your stuff safely.
  • COLLAPSIBLE DESIGN: Can be easily closed with the drawstring,can be quickly folded flat when not in use, you get the most use of every space.
  • MULTIFUNCTIONAL: Keep in the kids room,family room,or any room in the house that could use extra storage,fits on a closet shelf,bookshelf or desk
  • EASY TO CARE and CLEAN: Wipe with damp cloth for easy cleaning,Eco-friendly nontoxi PE waterproof keeps your stuff from being damaged
  • SIZE:18.2(L)x12.4(W)x10.8(H) Inches., 45cm(L) x 31cm (W) x 26 cm (H). bofeifs provides other sizes of storage bins and buckets,please click bofeifs to bofeifs storefront to get them.

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