• Amazon offers LED Grow Lights, Hgrope 5W LED Clip Desk Lamp Clamp Flexible Neck 360 Degree For Hydroponic Garden Greenhous for $16.99 $14.44.
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  • Deal ends Aug 11.

  • Hgrope Grow Light helps accelerate the growth of indoor plants. Emits the wavelength of light which can be fully absorbed by the plants photosynthesis, best for blooming and fruit & for promoting the leaf, can rapidly improve the health of plant and growing.
  • New Generation Lamp: Improved the head of the lamp, it thicker and smoother than used to be. You won't cut your fingers any more. Thicker cover provides better heat dissipation too.
  • Adjustable, Flexible, Gooseneck arm: A flexible, adjustable arm lets you posit the light in any direction. energy saving, low heat and low power consumption,high luminous efficiency and long service life
  • Height: 19 inches (from base to head of lamp), Clamping range up to 2 inches, Cord length: 53 inches, Off/On switch down the clamp cord.
  • Hgrope Guarranty: (Be noted you are choosing Brand 'Hgrope')Ready to respond within 24 hours, 30-day money back guarantee, 24 months replacement warranty and lifetime support guarantee.

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