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Deal ends Aug 12.
Sheet Straps Adjustable Heavy Duty Bed Sheet Fasteners Grippers Suspenders Works with various sheets
Nothing gives you more pleasure and peace than that of a good nights sleep. The best way to get this is to have a nice fresh feeling bed. When you wake up in the morning who wants to be all bundle up in a mess of the underlining bed sheets. These Adjustable Gentle plastic clamping ends are the answers to these issues.Don't wast your time on the straps where you have to flip the whole mattress. When's the last time 2 people made the bed?
Great to secure table cloth at the corners for outside events. We've all seen what happens in gusting winds and or if you want your table to stay wrinkle free or Prevent possible mishaps when the table cloth is inadvertently pulled from the table.
Others uses are secondary curtain retainer or even the primary curtain with the clamps and adjust ability you can attach a bow, stuffed animal, or anything your mind can imagine. The kids love using them to attached important decorative items to any post in the house
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