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Deal ends Aug 13.
Great present for gardeners. This is a heavy, high quality knife you'll be proud to give. The knife is packaged in a gift box and feels expensive. Every gardener needs this knife, but most gardeners don't have one.
Eco-friendly. Our Hori Hori knife is the only one on Amazon with a handle made from wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as being sustainably harvested.
Extra sharp. You won't believe it, but most other Hori Hori knives on Amazon aren't very sharp, which limits what you can do with them. Who wants a dull knife? Our knives are extra sharp, and even include a free sharpening whetstone to keep them that way. Our metal safety guard helps protect your hand.
Higher quality than other Hori Hori knives. Our knife includes a super-thick, genuine leather sheath, a knife tang that extends the entire length of the handle, three rust-proof pins for extra strength. We have spared no detail in creating a premium knife.
30 day money back guarantee, plus a 5 year warranty.