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72-slot Pencils Wrap:will not only protect the pencils better, but also keeps things neatly organized and accessible
Multi-purpose: can be used as Pencils Wrap, also a travel makeup cosmetic bag case or even a painter or artist case pouch
The wrap unrolls flat for easy access to the contents and when you are ready to move on, you just roll it up again; it is quite simply a must-have when you're out
Material: high quality Canvas ; not only looks great,but will last for years to come.It will protect your pencils from damage and make them easy for carry
Best service - Fast delivery directly from Amazon, confrom to Amazon return and refund policies. Please feel free to contact seller for any product or order problem. Note: Huhuhero is a registered trademark (Registered NO. 86951117) and Huhuhero is the only authorized seller.Product come with logo"Huhuhero"