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Deal ends Aug 28.
metal frame
gradient lens
Lens width: 2.35 inches
Aviator Rose Carving Metal Frame - Delicate and lively rose carving dark grey frame show your youthful charm and femininity fully.Aviator is keep leading the fashion trend and combine with the retro element of metal carving which can bring you a unique classic look.
Gradient Smoke Lens - The design of gradient lens that allows to block the sun when look far away and boost clarity when look closer.Especially in dark place, you still can see nearby clearly.The smoke lens is classic and popular, and also protect your eyes from sunburn.
Gradient Smoke Lens - The design of gradient lens that allows to block the sun when look far away and boost clarity when look closer.Especially in dark place, you still can see nearby clearly.The smoke lens is classic and popular, and also protect your eyes from sunburn.