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Deal ends Aug 14.
ALL IN ONE CELLPHONE CHARGING STATION, USB CHARGER, OUTLET MULTIPLIER, SURGE PROTECTOR POWER STRIP. Get all the features of a smartphone cellphone charging station with two 2.1A USB Chargers to charge two of your cellphones or smartphones at the same time, along with 3 standard electrical outlets available for us to use for your laptops, computers, phone or other gadgets without losing any outlets.
2 SIZES PULL OUT TRAYS MAKE A CONVENIENT CELLPHONE CHARGING STATION ON YOUR WALL OUTLET. With 2 sizes pull out trays for holding various size phones. Left hand tray will open upto 3.25 inches wide and hold phones like Nexus, Samsung, iphone 6, 6 plus. Right Hand Tray will open up to 3.0 inches wide and hold phones like the iPhone 5. Charge two smartphones at the same time using the two 2.1A USB charger outlets for rapid charging of cellphones, smartphones.
NO UGLY CORDS OR WIRES. Unlike other Surge Protector or USB Chargers that have an electrical cord attached to them, inconvenient and ugly, this USB Outlet Surge protector plugs directly into a standard two outlet wall outlet without any cords, cables or wires. Can even be permanently wall mounted onto your standard electric outlet with the included screw.
MULTI FUNCTION OUTLET MULTIPLIER WITH 2 USB CHARGERS AND WALL OUTLETS. The plugs into your standard two electrical outlet and multiplies that into three AC electrical outlets with two 2.1 A USB Charging ports. Compatible with all iPhone, iPod, Touch and Ipad plus Galaxy, Android and other phone and tablet devices with USB connection. Damage-resistant housing.
100% SATISFACTION MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!! Helps you from keeping, storing or charging you cellphones, smartphone in one convenient charging station location without misplacing them and having to look to for them. Click the orange ADD TO CART button to order Now!