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Deal ends Aug 20.
✅Made with 100% durable water-resist rip-stop nylon.
✅Built in RFID blocking. lining
✅PERFECT FOR TRAVEL - Comfortable, breathable, lightweight, and water resistant passport holder designed to offer you a safe and secure location to store documentation, valuables, passports, and credit cards.
✅RFID BLOCKING - Lined with Radio Frequency Shielding Material which blocks unwanted scans, ensuring that your cards and personal information remain private and confidential.
✅FLEXIBLE STORAGE - Three smart storage compartments to easily organize your documentation and valuables, including two zippered pockets, one Velcro-closure patch, and an ID window for boarding passes allowing easier security checks - Adjustable hook, strap and loop fastener.
✅SUITABLE FOR MEN AND WOMEN - 5.5" high and 8" wide - the Venture4th RFID Passport Holder can be comfortably worn around the neck and underneath your clothing to protect against pickpockets. It's thin enough that it is virtually invisible even under thin layers of clothing.
✅SAVE UP TO 25% - Buying a 2 pack, 3 or 4 Pack? - DISCOUNT COUPONS BELOW - 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed and backed by our LIFETIME WARRANTY. A Great Travel Gift.