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Deal ends Aug 16.
MOSQUITO REPELLENT: Help stop mosquito bites and fight off bugs and insects with our mosquito repellent patch. The patch can be applied to your skin, clothing, lawn chair or any other surface. It helps prevent bug bites and lowers risk of being infected by mosquito-borne viruses.
100% NATURAL & DEET FREE: Safe for kids of all ages, pregnant mothers and pets. Our mosquito repellent patch is made with all natural lemon eucalyptus and essential oils. It is also Non-Toxic and Deet Free. The patch is non-transdermal which means the essential oils do not come in contact with the skin.
COMFORTABLE & EASY TO APPLY: Lightweight, comfortable, and can be applied in just seconds. Peel the patch off from the cardboard backing and apply to your skin, clothing, or any other surface. It's as simple as sticking on a bandage.
LONG LASTING ON THE GO PROTECTION: Small enough to carry in a purse and fit's in your back pocket. Our mosquito repellent is ideal for all outdoor activities. Whether you're hiking through the woods, or hosting a party in your back yard. Our all natural mosquito repellent is long lasting and effective.
MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: All of our products are formulated in a state of the art GMP certified and FDA registered certified facility.