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Deal ends Aug 21.
Control Freely - Latest remote control and timer with IR 12 glowing colors to remote control reaches up to 5 meters under import country's common frequency
Smart Tracking Code - The LED candle lights can be lighted up at the same time by one remote control so that you can shape in different model, such as the "LOVE" shape with several LED candles.
Multi Celebration - New Year's; Chinese New Year; Event, Valentine's Day; Passover; Easter, Mother's Day; Memorial Day; Father's Day; Independence Day; Rosh Hashanah; Halloween; Thanksgiving; Christmas. EVENTS: anniversaries; birthday's; weddings; Children's Day decoration, bridal showers; baby showers; funerals; house warming.
Quality Certification - Uses high quality of paraffin wax and plastic materials with CE and ROHS certification. Safe around the home, children, pets.