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Deal ends Aug 22.
CUT MINUTES OFF YOUR WOD TIMES - This jumprope is not only fast but also creates a very stable rope swing so you can easily recover from inaccurate swings.
LIGHT AND DURABLE - This high quality jump rope comes with light and very durable handles for a better grip. The steel cable is coated with a PVC sleeve for protection and better durability. You also get a premium carrying bag so you can take your rope anywhere!
FULLY ADJUSTABLE - Our jump rope comes with a fully adjustable 10 foot long cable. Fitted with extra-large screws it's very easy to adjust, making it suitable for both ADULTS and KIDS.
100% LIFETIME GUARANTEE - we pride ourselves on customer support. If you have any problems, we're here to help.
BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY - Try finding a comparable jump rope plus extra cable, and add them together. You CAN'T beat this deal! You're getting 2 for the price of 1! Plus, you receive a FREE carrying bag on EVERY order! ADD TO CART NOW!